Monday, May 22, 2017

Thing 25: App-palooza!

There are so many apps out there that sometimes it is hard to determine which ones are the best to use for not only your everyday life but also ones that you can use in your professional life and ones that you can share with your students. I love learning about new apps and being able to download apps for everything from teaching resources to games that  I can play on my phone and tablet. Apps have changed the world and the way that we do things and are something that just keep changing and evolving from day to day.

I am the most familiar with the iTunes app store and sine we have iPads in my building this is what we use when we would like to download an app. Even though we have Chromebooks we are not using them to download apps and since I do not have an Android device I have no used the Google Play Store to download any apps. 

One of my favorite things about being able to use iPads and apps with my students is that there are so many amazing ones out there that kids LOVE using. You can literally get an app for anything you want and students love using the iPads and are better at using them then many adults that I know. I have used many different reading apps in my library, apps for coding and even Pinterest with my students. I think they are a great learning tool and I will continue to use them in my library. I really enjoyed the article “Library in Our pockets” article by Shannon McClintock Miller and plan on now doing something similar in my library. I am not sure how well it would work with my younger students but I would love to try it with my 5th and 6th graders since many of them already have cell phones and iPads that they can use. I think it is a great way to get students and parents involved and to showcase what we do as Library Media Specialist!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to set up a 'library in our pocket' list of apps for students and parents. And yes, great way to showcase the resources.
