Thursday, May 5, 2016

Track 14: Media Skills

Since my job title is Library MEDIA Specialist I figured that this topic which is all about media is one of the most important topics in this class! Media really is everywhere we turn and in my opinion isn’t going anywhere anytime soon! I have students who are better then I am at using technology and in order to keep up with my kidos I need to make sure I am on top of not only the new technology that comes along but also how to do simple tasks like scanning a document or taking a screenshot.

One of the ways that I learn new things is by playing around and exploring anything and everything about something so that I know all of the ins and outs! If there is something that I do not know how to do I will not stop until I accomplish what I set out to learn. Taking a screenshot on a computer, phone and iPad are something I know how to do, and it is something I actually do on my phone all the time. I use a PC at work and a Mac at home so sometimes I have to stop and think which device I am on so that I know what I need to do to take the screenshot. Being able to take a screenshot of something is very helpful to me when I am at home since I do not have a printer. By taking the screenshot I can then save it and email to myself so that I can print at a later time. This is one tool that I use all the time on all of the devices that I have.

Many of the tools and resources that were listed are ones that I am familiar with and have used in my classroom and also on my own time. One tool that I had never heard of was snaggy and I was intrigued and wanted to check it out. It seemed that it was an easy way to be able to share the snapshots of my screen with not only other people but it seemed like it could be an easy way for me to be able to save images so I could print them without having to email them. It is really very simple to use and I like that it is not blocked at my school so I can actually use it J I also LOVED the article on Free Range Scanning about how to scan something using your phone or table. I am always in need of a scanner and most of the time the one that I have at my job is terrible. The videos that she linked were great and I am planning on sharing this with everyone I know because I know my teacher friends will love as well!

I am a pro at Instagram and making videos but wanted to share one that I made of my dog Riley!

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