Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thing 10: Final Reflections & What's Next?

I can honestly say that this was one of- no I take that back- THE BEST professional development class that I have ever taken and I am hoping that I will be able to take Track 2 & 3 at some point! I can't even believe everything that I have had the chance to learn about and I am so excited to have all of these new amazing and wonderful tools to share!

I learned so much from this class and am excited to take with me what I learned and share it with my colleagues. This class was a wealth of information and I know that I will be going back to try and explore things that I did not get the chance to during the class. I really enjoyed taking some time and looking through some of the other blogs and seeing what they were sharing with the world.

When I first started this workshop it was very overwhelming to me and it seemed like I was going to be drowning in all of the work, but once I got into it didn't feel like work to me. I was learning new things and getting tips and idea from some of the best people in the industry! I honestly enjoyed each of the projects and learned something new each time. Each of the projects featured new sites and tools that I will use with all of my students and future students. I was also happy to share all of the news and exciting tools with my colleagues. Over the summer I plan on spending some time going back over each of the projects and exploring things that I did not have the chance to explore.

Even though this was not my first experience with this kind of self-driven learning it was my first experience with a class that took place over a 5 month period. I really liked that I had the freedom to take my time and complete each post on my own time. Even thought it took me a little time to get going because of other things going on I finally buckled down and got to work and loved every minute of it! I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to take this class and I hope I will be able to take Track 2 & Track 3 at some point!

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